RTO contact

The Assessment Tool Generator (ATG) is provided free of charge to RTOs and trainers delivering TAE products and, in particular, unit TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools, for use as a training aid when demonstrating the principles behind creating assessment tools.

Please be aware that:
  • Your email address must be consistent with your RTO's domain.
  • Your access to the ATG is subject to our terms and conditions and, in particular, clause 2F.
  • If several trainers at your RTO wish to use the ATG tool, each trainer must request a separate license due to a security feature which restricts account access from multiple IP addresses

Please complete this form to request your free access to the Assessment Tool Generator:
  • I deliver TAE training for the above RTO
  • I shall use the Assessment Tool Generator only to evaluate the product and to deliver training in unit TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools or other TAE product.
  • I agree to the terms and conditions and, in particular, clause 2C.
14 + 1 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.